The first activity up was the fishing competition. It was a beautiful morning, chilly with a mist all around. The kids did all right. Noele caught four fish, Brandon caught one and Chloe' caught a 12" bass, winning for the largest fish.
After fishing the kids had karate and hula hooping. All three did karate and really enjoyed it. Ken and I would love to put all three back in it, just to find the time.... The girls did hula hooping. B says it's not for boys. There was a woman there that teaches it for fitness and makes hula hoops to sale. She gave a quick lesson and exhibition and then the kids got to make and decorate their own hula hoops. They are actually really good quality hula hoops. It's funny because about two weeks before I got my own quality hula hoop. haha..the girls and I will go on the road. Not!
Day two, well, the kids were kind of pooped out. In between karate and hula hooping the day before they went swimming. So, day two was supposed to be golf and tennis, but only Chloe' did tennis that day. Brandon played in the fountain and Noele ate a snow cone.
For the end of camp they always have a golf cart parade. We decorated the cart and the kids went for a ride w/Grandpa Hughie. After the parade there was a wild animal show and more time w/the grandparents.